Our Commitment to Accountability and Integrity

Addressing Errors: Procedure for Publishing Retractions and Corrections

At Baum Press, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of journalistic integrity and accountability. When errors occur, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently. Here is our procedure for addressing errors:

Identification of Potential Errors:

  • Errors can be identified by our journalists, editors, or readers.
  • We encourage our readers to report any errors or concerns they encounter in our reporting through our feedback channels.

Initial Review:

  • Upon identifying a potential error, the content in question is reviewed immediately by the editorial team.
  • The review assesses the accuracy of the information and the severity of the error.

Decision Making:

  • If an error is confirmed, the editorial team decides on the appropriate course of action, which may include issuing a correction, retraction, or editor’s note, depending on the nature and impact of the error.

Publishing Corrections:

  • Corrections will be made directly in the content where the error appeared.
  • A correction notice will be placed at the top or bottom of the article, clearly stating the error and the accurate information.
  • Corrections will be made in a timely manner, with the date and time of the correction noted.

Publishing Retractions:

  • In cases where a story is found to be fundamentally flawed or based on inaccurate information, a retraction will be issued.
  • The retraction will explain why the original content was removed and provide the corrected information if available.
  • The original story will be marked as retracted, and the retraction notice will be prominently displayed.

Editor’s Notes:

  • For minor errors that do not affect the overall comprehension of the story, an editor’s note may be added to provide clarity.
  • Editor’s notes will also be used to explain changes to a story that has been updated with new information or developments.

Notification to Readers:

  • We will notify readers of significant corrections and retractions through our website and, when appropriate, on social media channels.
  • For significant errors, we may also send a notification to subscribers and those who have commented on the article.

Preventative Measures:

  • To minimize the occurrence of errors, our editorial team engages in rigorous fact-checking and verification processes before publication.
  • We provide ongoing training for our staff on accuracy and fact-checking techniques.

Recording and Reviewing Errors:

  • All errors and subsequent corrections are recorded in an internal database.
  • This database is reviewed regularly to identify any patterns and to implement measures to improve accuracy.

Feedback and Engagement:

  • We value the role of our readers in keeping us accountable.
  • We maintain an open dialogue with our audience about our correction policy and welcome their input on how we can improve our processes.

Our approach to addressing errors is built on transparency and the pursuit of truth. We understand the importance of trust in our relationship with our readers and are dedicated to upholding that trust by correcting our mistakes openly and responsibly.

If you believe an error has been made in our reporting, please contact us immediately so that we can address it.