How To Use This Theme

Setup the Post Views Counter Plugin

In the WordPress admin area navigate to Settings -> Post Views Counter. Uncheck Media in Post Types Count. Set the Reset Data Interval to 30 days or whatever amount of time you want your Most Viewed Posts widgets to rotate. The shorter the time period the faster they will rotate. If you set this value to 0 then consider your widgets might as well be called All-Time Most Viewed Posts.

In the WordPress admin area navigate to Appearances -> Widgets. Then add the widget Most Viewed Posts to either the post sidebar widget area, the post footer widget area, the homepage widget area or a category page widget area.

Change the heading of the widget to Spotlight Articles (or whatever you want to call it).

Uncheck the Post Types for Media and Pages.

Choose the number of posts to display: usually 5 or 10 for the post sidebar widget area or multiples of 3 (such as 15) for other widget areas.

Change the Display Style to Unordered list in order to have the boxes display in the style of the Baum Press Theme.

Uncheck Display post views.

Check Display post thumbnail and select the thumbnail type baum-mini-thumb.