Community Engagement and Transparency

At Baum Press, we believe in the power of community engagement and the importance of transparency in building trust and credibility with our readers. This page outlines our approach to collecting and responding to feedback, engaging with the public, and upholding the highest standards of openness.

Feedback Collection:

  • Reader Comments: Our articles feature a comment section where readers can express their thoughts and engage in discussions. These comments are monitored to ensure a respectful and constructive dialogue.
  • Surveys and Polls: We periodically conduct surveys and polls to gather reader opinions on various topics, including feedback on our reporting and suggestions for improvement.
  • Social Media: Our social media channels are active platforms for reader interaction. We encourage feedback, story tips, and conversations about our content.
  • Email and Contact Forms: Readers can reach us directly through email or contact forms provided on our website. All feedback is compiled and reviewed by our Community Engagement team.

Response to Feedback:

  • Public Editor: Our Public Editor serves as an ombudsman, reviewing reader feedback and ensuring that any concerns about content are addressed. The Public Editor’s findings and responses are published regularly for accountability.
  • Direct Replies: When possible, our journalists and editors directly reply to reader comments and emails, providing clarifications or additional information.
  • Editorial Meetings: Feedback from our audience is discussed in editorial meetings to inform our content strategy and address any recurring themes or concerns.
  • Corrections and Clarifications: We are committed to accuracy and promptly issue corrections or clarifications if errors are identified. These updates are transparently acknowledged in the affected content.

Public Engagement:

  • Public Forums and Events: Baum Press hosts public forums, panel discussions, and events to engage with our community on pressing issues and newsworthy topics.
  • Educational Outreach: We partner with educational institutions to promote media literacy and provide insights into the journalistic process.
  • Reader Advisory Board: A diverse group of readers forms our Reader Advisory Board, providing regular input on our journalism and outreach efforts.


  • Editorial Policies: Our editorial policies, including our approach to reporting, sourcing, and ethics, are publicly available on our website.
  • Ownership and Funding: We are transparent about our ownership structure, funding sources, and any potential conflicts of interest, with detailed information readily accessible.
  • Behind the Scenes: We offer “behind the scenes” content that sheds light on how our stories are produced, including the challenges and decisions faced during the reporting process.
  • Annual Reports: Baum Press publishes annual transparency reports that include our financials, feedback summaries, and the actions taken in response to community input.

Engagement and transparency are not just policies at Baum Press; they are integral to our mission and daily operations. We continuously strive to be accessible, responsive, and open with our readers, ensuring that Baum Press remains a trusted and participatory source of news and information.

We welcome your thoughts on how we can improve our engagement and transparency. Please share your feedback with us through any of our communication channels.