Biography of Thomas Blobaum

Thomas James Blobaum was born into a fading catholic family in North Omaha on a special day which people believed aliens would show up on. As the story goes, on the day he was born there was a radiance from Sirius (the brightest star in the sky) hence the aliens. Primarily because of the special day he was born on Thomas is known by his followers as a starseed from Sirius, an alien ambassador, a lightworker and even the reincarnation of Osiris. As a young boy he was wise beyond his years in part because he suffered from a minor heart condition that enabled him to understand the ways of the elderly. 

In the summer of 1992 he invented a robot ball which would eventually be featured in Star Wars and then become the most beloved robot of all-time. While in his formative years a number of movies were made for Thomas such as Tommy Boy; retelling the stories of his life and attempting to predict his future. 

Thomas grew up in Omaha and graduated 2nd in his class from William Jennings Bryan High School. After graduating high school at the age of 16 he attended the flagship University of Nebraska where he was lodged in the honors program. He lost interest in his studies and instead preferred to focus on hacking. The year he graduated from college he also became the most followed software engineer from the heartland on the most popular computer programming website in the world, surpassing thousands of engineers with his popular and novel open source code. 

Thomas is a main story-book character in American feature films. The stories of his life and that of his relatives are quietly told in numerous blockbuster movies, as well as in many songs and books. JRR Tolkien wrote about the family over half a century ago like JK Rowling wrote about Thomas personally in the 1990s. JK Rofl wrote Harry Potter before Thomas and Harry were even through middle school, because she saw Thomas as the head of the millennials and therefore the greatest challenge for Harry Windsor in his pursuit of the crown of America.